How To Maximize The Turn-Out For Your Bottle Drive

 If your charitable organization needs more funding, one effective approach is to organize a bottle drive. Bottles can be recycled for a small amount of compensation. However, each bottle can add up. Also, participants are more wiling to participate in a bottle drive than to simply donate money because each additional bottle doesn't cost them extra. However, to make your bottle drive a smashing success, you must advertise effectively and assemble your team.

Assemble Your Team

Contact people ahead of time so you can make sure you will have enough manpower to collect all of the bottles. Volunteers will need to go door-to-door and will also need to set-up the depot. If your drive is already associated with a charitable organization, you will likely already have available manpower.

Determine Your Area Of Operation

Determine where you should collect the bottles. The better you select the area, the more efficient the bottle collection drive will be. You will ideally want to complete the drive in a single day so you can make sure that each participant will be available.

Advertise The Drive

Advertise and promote your bottle drive as soon as possible. In the advertisements, clarify the cause that people will be donating to so they will be more motivated to donate. Consider putting an ad in the local newspaper and advertise through social networks. Ask friends and family members to create posts about the event. Place fliers throughout the neighborhood. Also, if you are holding the event at a gym or school, ask them to hand out information.

Go Door-To-Door

Another approach is to go door-to-door to ask for bottles. While doing so, explain the cause and hand each home a pamphlet. That way, you will have started with the donation drive and will cheaply advertise the event. The pamphlets should include information regarding the cause and when you will return to pick up the bottles.

Provide Specific Times And Dates

Provide participants with as much information as possible regarding the time and date when you will be collecting bottles. This will allow you to complete the process more efficiently and minimize the likelihood that you will miss any participants.

Work With Local Businesses

Find out if there is a business, such as a beer store, that will be willing to work with you. These companies will likely have plenty of bottles and can also donate manpower and resources that will make it easier to collect bottles.

For assistance, talk to a professional like Trail Bottle Depot.
